Hathaway Brown
Dear Upper School Community,
#HBatHome begins tomorrow and I am writing to you all with some answers to your questions. We know from our peers who have been at this for weeks now that remote school is unlike anything we have done before so we are leaning in carefully, working to maintain some of the hallmarks of the HB experience. 
We are trying this schedule initially and are committed to quickly assessing where we are and what we need to adjust. The past few weeks have taught us that flexibility is key. We are thoughtfully incorporating this into our framework. Each of our students has her own unique schedule at school and we are giving them the agency to create a daily plan that works at home, given the unique circumstances each family faces right now. Below you will see the basic outline of a daily schedule but know that no two will look alike.
I also attached the Remote Learning Overview to this email as a PDF for your reference and convenience. We look forward to your feedback which we will solicit via your mentor next week. 
Hallie/Ms. Ritzman
8:30 am
Content posted daily on myHB--Class Page--Bulletin Board
8:30-9:00 am 
Faculty available on Google Meet or Zoom Channel
9:00-9:10 am 
Morning Meeting Zoom (Monday and Wednesday)
Mentor Meeting Google Meet or Zoom (Tuesday and Thursday)
Class Meeting Zoom (Friday)
Students should allot 45-60 minutes per class period
On each class page, students will find a variety of learning materials, class resources and assignments posted by their teachers 
Please note all faculty will be available one additional hour per day on Google Meet or Zoom Channel. This time will be posted on their myHB page. 
1:00-2:00 pm
Optional: Virtual Student Center on Zoom With Mrs. Biggar and Deans
9th Grade (Monday)
10th Grade (Tuesday)
11th Grade (Wednesday)
12th Grade (Thursday)
All grades (Friday)
Faculty available on Google Meet or Zoom Channel 

Hathaway Brown School  ••  Girls K-12/Coed Early Childhood
19600 North Park Boulevard  ••  Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122  ••  216.932.4214
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